Mindful Matters; A Four-Month Coaching Membership for Teachers of Color


Hey Friend! I'm thrilled to see your interest in my four month coaching program, Mindful Matters; A Four-Month Coaching Membership for Teachers of Color!

Mindful Matters is the ultimate four month coaching membership for teachers of color looking to level up their wellness and change the relationship they have with work. This coaching program was designed to empower teachers of color with a social justice mindset to take control of their wellness and thrive in the teaching profession.

Get ready for a shift in mindset, personal empowerment, and the mentorship needed to prioritize yourself and create the sustainable career you desire. You deserve it!

Dear Teacher, I see you! I see the hard work you are doing in your classroom, but when it comes to your mental health and wellness, you don't know where to start.

  • You enjoy your teaching career but you wish it didn't take so much out of you.
  • You feel burned out, but don't want to leave the profession.
  • You want to establish wellness routines but you aren't sure which ones are right for you.
  • You often feel like you are on survival mode and when it comes to giving back to yourself, you have nothing left.
  • You find yourself dealing with emotions and work politics that your colleagues don't seem to contend with.

If this is you, or if these are feelings you have had before, my signature four-month coaching option is the coaching program for you!

Participants that have graduated from my workshop retreats experience the following important wellness transformations:

  1. Mindset shifts regarding personal wellness and life priorities.
  2. Empowerment and affirmation towards the value TOC offer the education field.
  3. Tools for navigating through the social-emotional aspects of teaching.
  4. Tools for self-advocacy and career advancement.
  5. Navigating colleague and administration politics.
  6. Motivation to achieve and continue to achieve their goals.
  7. Boundary setting with work and personal life.
  8. Greater sense of confidence towards instruction and the teaching task.
  9. Increased sense of community and purpose.
  10. Deeper respect for self and personal journey.

If these are outcomes you wish to manifest in your life, my coaching program, Mindfulness Matters; A Four-Month Coaching Membership for Teachers of Color is the next step in your wellness journey!

But let's review the deets!

What you Get

Each membership includes:

1. One deluxe "Nurture Me" teacher wellness bundle.

  • Signature Deck of English or Spanish affirmation cards
  • Clap for Yourself; Five Minute Reflections for Teachers of Color
  • Think Big, Start Small Playbook
  • Wellness Goodie Bag
  • Mindful Calming Agents

2. One 60 Minute, 1:1 coaching session with Dr. Michel

This first meeting serves as an initial introduction to who you are, your teaching context, and the specific wellness goals you have. All sessions are confidential and participant responses inform subsequent retreat sessions.

3. Six Mindful Retreats (one session every three weeks) 10-11:30 am PST.

  • The Inspired Teacher; Five Actions that Healed Me (July 29)
  • Taming Your Inner Critic (Aug. 19th)
  • Mood-Boosting Moves (Sept. 9th)
  • The Write Way to Well Being (Sept. 30th)
  • Think Big, Start Small (Oct. 21st)
  • Breath and Beyond (Nov. 18th)

4. Exclusive Cohort Coaching and Video Messaging Access

TOCM uses the Marco Polo video messaging application for real-time coaching and member interaction. Participants self-select affinity groups and are placed in cohorts accordingly.

5. A coach who has the experience and expertise to guide you through every step!

Taking that first step to prioritize your wellness can bring up different emotions and can sometimes feel selfish or unnecessary depending on the community you draw support from. I'm here to help process those feelings and help to achieve your personal wellness goals.

I designed this coaching membership for..

Teachers that are ready to level up their wellness journey and are looking for a committed community that is focused on making sustainable, long-term changes in their own lives.

Teachers that are serious about their mental health and know that they will be motivated and successful working with like-minded educators focused on the same outcomes.

But don't take my word for it...

Listen to what these teachers say about the retreats I have hosted.

Are you ready to take that next step?

This 30 minute session is designed for us to get to know each other a little bit more and to see what it's like to work with me as a coach. I'm here to answer all your questions and and address any concerns. I will also ask you questions during this time to get a better understanding of what your needs might be at the moment. I'm looking forward to our meeting together!

If you are ready to join the Mindful Matters; A Four Month Coaching Membership for Teachers of Color now, or if you are interested in the cost and our payment options, please clink the link above and get ready to build the kind healthy, sustainable, and peaceful career, you have dreamed of!